Wow what a week or so it has been here! It has been hectic to say the least!
I managed to do 2 courses, teach 3 classes, looked after 3 sick kids, tested for covid a million times, painted 2 paintings and did my day job on top of my usual art biz stuff.
Last week I participated in Tash Corbin's 5 Day Client Attraction Challenge (#5DCAC). It was eye opening and affirming. I always have the best ah-ha moments with her. Luckily I could watch the replays when I needed.
I love being a biz geek, learning new stuff, spreadsheets, being a part of an amazing group of women and having an incredible mentor. As usual I have a list of goals to get stuck into.
I also did an art course called Art2Life with Nicholas Wilton.
He did an incredible job of explaining some of the elements of art in a succinct way. Some of the comments from people doing the course were that they had studied at art school for years and not learnt this stuff.
It was inspiring seeing people rework old artworks and get feedback from him. He edited some in photoshop in a live session and the transformations were amazing.
On Sunday my big kids came back their dad's place with sore throats and on Tuesday we found out one of them was positive. We all did a RAT and it was only him. Same thing all this week, only him. Weird.
This meant I had to cancel my after school kids classes. We have been working on a 5 week mixed media portrait and they needed to be here, so online lessons were not an option.
Because I had more time and because I was so pumped from the Art2Life class and wanting to their techniques, I created 2 new paintings and put the finishing touches on one I made in December.
Take a look:

On the 19th I taught my first art journaling class for the year. It was a beautiful class. What came out of it in my art that day was how friendships have changed since covid.
Covid has brought us together online, that is true. It has also distanced us from close relationships. No longer are we meeting up at the park, having girl’s nights, having kids over for play dates or weekend family bbqs. The people we seem to be spending most time with are those we live or work with. I am an introvert but even Covid has left me feeling friend lonely. I love my friends to bits. I hate small talk, give me a juicy d&m anytime! I miss hearing about my friend’s lives, I miss seeing their kids, I miss leaving the kids at home and having dinner and drinks, I miss being an ear and having an ear. I miss all the laughs, validations, advice, hugs and tears. I miss my Friday painting buddy. Before I taught my class, I couldn’t put my finger on how I was feeling but now I know. I created a page and it stuck with me. When I bump into friends at the shops we are both more than happy for a chat but no one ever suggests a hang out anymore. Why is that? Are we content with our own company? Are we ok with the company of our families? Are we scared? Are we mentally exhausted? I know not everyone feels this way but I know I am not alone. This painting depicts 2 people at different angles. They are travelling along the same paths and parallel paths. There are emotions buried and some which stand out. They are in their heads but there is a ray of hope in the corner. Their paths will always be connected and they will work out a new way forward. Have things changed for you? Are there friendships you need to work on to get back to how they were or friendships you are letting go of? This painting isn't doom and gloom. It is just how life is for some of us now. Use it to reflect on your friendships and acknowledge if any need work. You deserve to surround yourself with those you love and those who love you. Make some time, get the kids set up with an activity, sit quietly and do some journaling.

I painted the background of this artworks months, maybe even a year ago and it just sat there on my shelf not going anywhere.
I had already penciled in a table and vase so went with it using my newly learnt knowledge.
I worked and reworked it a few times. One side of the wall started off grey, then pale blue, then I used a printed washi tape to cover it.
The blue flowers started off white, then purple, light blue, then dark blue.
Before now I don't think I would have done that, I would have left it with my first choice.
I love that I was able to keep so much of the original colours for the table and vase.

One morning I had the urge to paint 2 really tall canvases at once. I put them out to dry and take progress photos. What I didn’t expect was the way my fern shadows danced on the canvases.
One looked like fern shapes and the other looked more like feathers.
That is where “Fern”started.
I quickly grabbed some oil pastels and traced the shapes.
I brought the canvases back in and worked them some more, layering and layering colours.
I drew “Fern” and outlined her with a black posca pen.
I foraged for some of my own painted paper I use for collage and found a dress, flowers and a bow.
I tore up tiny pieces for berries and glued them all on.
I used poscas and a uniball signo pen to create lots of patterns and marks. Last step was painting the edges and striping them with a navy posca pen.
Et voila!
She is happy in her skin.
She is grateful for everything she has.
She listens to her intuition.
She recharges in nature.
She can be hung as is or would look great framed too.
She would look great in a child/teenager's room too.
I thoroughly recommend clicking the above links to have a look at the progress photos and close ups. You miss the details in these big pics.
Some artists don't like to share.
I think it is really important to show others how an artwork is created.
For other artists they might want to try a technique.
For buyers it is great to see it's evolution from a blank page/canvas to the finished product. To be able to see the hours that go into creating something.
Running a small business definitely has it's ups and downs.
I couldn't and wouldn't be able to do it without you.
You all support me in your own way and for that I am more thankful than you could know.
Here are some of the ways:
Buy yourself some art
Buy yourself some cards
Buy yourself some usable and wearable art
Book yourself into an art journalling class
Book your kids into after school/holiday classes
Book yourself or kids into a 1:1 class
Book you and your child into a Connect with Me class
Buy yourself an art class to do at home
Buy a gift card for a family member or friend
Short on $$$ ?
Leave a review via email, Facebook or google
Spread the word to friends and family. Tell them, or share my emails, blogs and posts. Word of mouth is the best!
Save, share, comment and like my posts. Facebook and Instagram love saves, shares and comments and likes in that order. Facebook doesn't like me at the moment. I don't think many of you are seeing my posts. Algorithm blah blah. Can I ask a favour for those who follow me? On my page, click "following" and make sure you have ticked Favourites?

Same for Instagram, on my page, click the little bell next to my name and
turn the notifications on. That way I will be in your feed and I'll know if you
can see me.
Do my free online class for all ages.
Give me feedback and ideas. Loving it? hating it? Are there things or courses you want to see?
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Hopefully things will be back to normal soon and my kids will have gotten over their sore throats and sniffles.
I am looking forward to having all the kids back to class and planning more for the next couple of months.