Wow what a crazy busy week it has been! I finally finished my loooong labour of love - building my new website. It was a long time in between drinks. I had my 3rd little boy so the project was on hold for quite a while. My old website was out dated and a lot has changed since I first created it.
I hope you all love it. I wanted it to be bright and striking and fun and to finally have shop to sell my artwork. I welcome any feedback good or not. Give it to me!
Next was a sale to my friend's teenage daughter. She asked for something botanical or historical. I was silently freaking out, so I asked her to come around to talk about it more and make sure we were on the same wave length. While she was here, she admired my succulents and knew some of them by name and told me she grew some too. Well I was very happy to hear that as I am a crazy plant lady, so I knew I didn't have anything to worry about and that I could incorporate some in her picture.
While my recently walking toddler is currently getting into absolutely everything, it is hard to block out a big chunk of time to paint so I found the perfect altered book style. I knew Emily loved books, her whole family did, so I thought I'd paint in one. If you don't know what an altered book is google it. The possibilities are endless!
My style - You pick an old hard cover book, the older the better, and flick through the pages to see if any words tickle your fancy. If they do, circle them and keep reading down and across the page and circling words until you make a random sensical sentence. Those word will be the inspiration for your painting.
Using this process means I can read a bit, grab my son off the coffee table, circle some words, get the 3 week old piece of bread that he somehow discovered in a crack of the lounge out of his mouth, paint the background, get his hand out of the toilet, paint the rest, strap him into his high chair and ply him with food so I can finish of with the posca pen overlay then breathe easy.
I finished it and am happy with it. I couldn't decide which one to do so I did 2. Emily loves it. Win-win! It will be hanging on the stairs in their home alongside artworks from other artists they know, and the kids from the family daycare my friend runs.
Last but not least was another sale! Woo hoo! Last night I added a heap more paintings to my shop and did a shout out to everyone to let them know. Within a few minutes "Shimmering" was sold. I dropped it off today and am so happy it went to someone I know. It is hard to part with some paintings after putting so much of yourself into them. Christine was super happy and showed me her other recent acquisitions which were gorgeous.
I can't wait to see it framed and hanging.