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Art Journaling Is Back Baby!

Writer's picture: Jade ForderJade Forder

Last week I found out that as of August, I am able to hire the hall again at Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre with numbers limited to 4!

This means Soul Connection Art Journaling classes are back baby!

This put such a smile on my dial! I can't want to see you all in person.

This is no longer an online class, unless we go into lockdown again, or unless I get enough requests from people, then I will be happy to run classes online again.

I haven’t written an art journaling blog in ages, and I thought it was about time. Lots of you have probably seen me advertise classes but may not be sure what art journaling even is and how you can use it in your life.

Art journaling is a way to visually express your thoughts, emotions and memories.

Some people might think they can’t do the class or worry because they think they aren’t artistic. Well, that is a big load of poo you have been told! Some of you have been told this as kids and you are still carrying it. Anyone can do this, if you allow yourself.

This class is for everyone!

If you can hold a brush, you can do this class.

These are the best bits about art journaling:

  • Anything goes!

  • It is all about you. We don’t copy artworks. It is all about the process and what comes up for you. The group can be doing the same class with the same prompt and every single person comes up with something different.

  • My goal is for you to tap into your subconscious and create something from deep within, in your own style.

  • You can use whatever you have on hand at home, or if you come to class you can use my supplies.

  • It is a mixed media art, so you can use all sorts of things from envelopes, to wrapping paper, old bills, ribbon, wool, pencils, textas, paint, magazines, phonebooks, old books. Honestly, the options are endless and that is part of the fun!

  • There are no mistakes, you can always cover things up or add to them and turn it into something else. My motto is “There are no mistakes in art, only happy surprises”.

  • You can do it alone or in a group.

  • You can spend as little or as long as you want on a page. You can do it all in one go or keep coming back to it and add as much as you want.

Print making tools
Some print making supplies you could use at home

My goals for you in this group are:

  • For you to listen to what you want and to learn to speak your truth.

  • To gain confidence to express yourself through art.

  • To learn to use different materials.

  • To get over any old beliefs telling you that you are not artistically creative.

  • To create something meaningful for you.

  • For you to feel safe to share whatever you want with the group.

  • To learn to use art journaling for self-care, to help you make decisions, to help you grow and get over any issues you are having.

  • To feel hear and lifted up


Each month we have a different prompt to work from.

Previously we have had prompts such as “Boundary Setting”, “What If?” and “Playing With Colour”.

This month, our prompt is "Pocketful Of Kindness".

Most of the time we start with a guided relaxation specific to the prompt.

I talk you through the supplies we will be using, everything is supplied for you. If you have been given an art journal previously, then that is all you need to bring.

I explain the prompt and how to use it, what questions you might need to ask yourself, what things you may want to think about to help you start creating something.

Woman laughing
Me having a laugh during class

Remember that art journaling is about the process, not necessarily then end result of having a beautiful artwork. At the end of the class, my students are proud of what they have created, because they have allowed themselves to let their creativity flow.

One student Nellie said: "This was my first ever art class, my first collage I loved every minute of the session and so proud of my work. Thanks Jade for a wonderful evening full of creative fun and adventure".

Pink art journal page
Nellie's beautiful art journal page

It is an opportunity to leave behind whatever is happening with families and bills and work and just be themselves. That is the environment I want to provide for you, a safe space for you to let go of everything everyone expects you to be and give you a space to be who you want to be. There are no expectations from me with regards to what you create, that is a personal thing, and not up to me. All I do is show you how to use the supplies and guide you.

Anyone else picking up your art journal will have no idea of the deeper meaning of your artwork. It is not like a written journal where people can read your thoughts. Art journaling is more a symbolic thing and only you know what you were thinking at the time.

You get to take your journal home with you so can use it to create anytime you like. You will have access to the private Facebook group to see photos from the night, see upcoming events and post any artworks you would like to share.


Art journaling for me, has helped in huge ways. It has helped me leave a very toxic relationship, it has helped me with the relationships I have with my parents and kids, it has helped me realise what I want out of life, it has helped me with my self-confidence.

Each time I journal, I don’t usually go into it with a clear idea of what I will be creating. One day I might feel like using watercolours and as I sit quietly and listen, something will come up for me. As I paint and add bits and pieces to my page, answers will come. I might use words that cement how I am feeling, or I might find a picture from a magazine that symbolises the answer that came up.


If the idea of discovering more about yourself or how to deal with what life brings you excites you, if you want to explore new ways of creativity, come along and enjoy a great night! You could even invite a friend and hang out together.

These classes run usually the last Friday of the month but this month we are a bit out of whack with me being able to use the hall again and skipping July, we might end up having 2 classes.

Anyone aged 16 years and over is welcome You don't need to commit to a year long class, you can come to one or as many as you like. It is $40 each session and usually goes for 2 hours. Classes are 7.30pm at Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre. Everything is provided as well as tea and coffee and snacks.

To keep up to date with upcoming classes, please like and follow my Creative Abyss Facebook page or @jade_creativeabyss on Instagram.

To learn more about adult classes for 2020 have a read here



I am a registered Covid Safe business with Service NSW.

Here is what I am doing to keep us all safe during class:

  • The room at Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre only allows for 4 people. Usually we would have around 6, but we are keeping the numbers to a minimum.

  • Tables, chairs, doors and supplies are wiped down with antibacterial wipes before and after use

  • Tables and chairs are laid out to keep our distance

  • Everyone's names and phones numbers are kept as a record of who attended in case you need to be notified.

Here is what I need of you:

  • Please do not come to class if you are feeling well, have been in contact with someone traveling from overseas in the last 14 days or have been in contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19. You will be able to send someone in your place or postpone to next month's class.

  • Please head to the bathroom and wash your hand before entering the room.

  • BYO hand sanitiser if you want

  • BYO mug and spoon if you want tea or coffee

Got any questions? Email me



Another group which may interest you is my Moon Phase Intentions Circle. We meet online every New and Full Moon (twice a month). We use the power of intention setting through art to decide how we want to live our lives and who we want to be. It is similar to art journaling in that you are doing this for yourself, but we are more specific and do a bit of writing.

Take a read of my blog here and join the group if this interests you. It is a free group and again, you can come to one or as many as you like.

I hope to see you on Friday!

Don't forget there are only 4 spots, so don't leave it too late to book.

Have a great week x



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